Monday, 30 April 2007

19 Ways to improve your fundraising

Despite your desperate hopes and prayers, donors are unlikely to just wander into your organisation. You need to get out there and look sharp, and the Enfys Acumen has the tips to help you do it.

Why don't you print this out, post it up and integrate it into your fundraising plan—and get ready for tons of new donations.

First the basics...

1. Create quality (well-written!) fundraising materials

2. Greet potential donors (that’s everyone!) with style

3. Focus as narrowly as possible – narrow your target audience to highly qualified prospects

4. Make the most of meetings – go along for a purpose, not just because you are expected to be there

5. Find out what other fundraisers are doing and learn from them

Then get friendly...

6. Offer your help

7. Offer case studies of what your organisation does

8. Network

9. Cross-promote with other charities in your area

You must get online...

10. Offer an e-brief

11. Don’t wait for donors to find you online, use blogs, submit PR, get links to your website

Spread the word...

12. Go to places where your best prospect donors are to be found

13. Become an expert in your field

14. Host a seminar

15. Get local news coverage

Remember customer service...

16. Thank you, Diolch, Merci, Gracias

17. Offer commitment – a guarantee

18. Get them talking about you

Spreading the word again...

19. When in doubt, pick up the phone

If you need help with any of the above, why not contact us, we would be pleased to help. Click here

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