Wednesday, 28 March 2007

Free online presence for voluntary and community organisations

Regular readers of the Enfys Acumen Blog will know I am a great fan of networking as a means of promoting business and pooling resources for the benefit of all.

We were recently discussing possible joint ventures with ComGem, a web solutions business in Wales and were thinking about how we might be able to do something together to support voluntary and community organisations (VCOs). We are not aware that there is an online facility that could provide a one-stop shop for VCOs to raise their online presence, promote projects, seek advice from kindred spirits, share news, make and receive donations, advertise for volunteers, you name it!

Although the technology to create this kind of facility is readily available it would take significant time to develop and promote, time that we would be willing to give freely. An initial facility would be available free to VCOs and enhanced features could be made available at a nominal cost to expenses incurred.

Before we proceed any further we would welcome the input of representatives of VCOs in Wales on whether or not our idea is a good one and should be developed and if so what features might be beneficial.

Please help us to help you and complete our simple questionnaire. If you know of any other organisations that might also be interested, please let them know.

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